[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]OK, admit it. You want a six-pack. It’s the holy grail of workouts for men, and women refer to it regularly as the standard of admission to hunkdom. But if you’ve ever searched for the best ab exercises for men, you could come away with every exercise known to man. One list from a prominent men’s magazine listed the 70 Best Ab Exercises For Men. That’s absurd, and hints that they have more that aren’t their favorites! No one has that kind of time to devote to one area of the body, and it’s really not necessary. There are only a few things you need to know about the best ab exercises for men, and we’re going to boil down the list to three.
The Six-Pack’s Dirty Little Secret
First, we’re going to have to let you in on a dirty little secret. Despite what it says on lists likeSeventy Of The Best Ab Exercises For Men, you’re never going to have a six-pack until you shed the flab on your stomach. A six-pack is just a handy name for your rectus abdominis, the sheet of muscles that you’re trying to showcase, and if your body fat is too high, it will never see the light of day. While they wont be invisible under a layer of fat if you work them hard, they’re never going to look defined until you shed that layer of blubber, so you’re going to have to eat better and burn stored fat through a defined exercise plan to have a chance to show a washboard tummy.
Most Weightlifting Routines Build Up The Abs
Your abdominal muscles are the core of your body, and when you’re performing almost any traditional weightlifting exercise, your already doing some of the best ab exercises for men. You’re strengthening the tube of muscles that wrap around your midsection obliquely and horizontally in addition to the vertically oriented rectus abdominis as you work other muscle groups. So far so good. Now lets get to the three best ab exercises for men that will give you that defined look.
No, not the silly Internet craze of holding yourself rigid like an ironing board, although it’s pretty close to a real exercise. Planking is what’s called a stabilization exercise, and it’s great for working out all your abdominal muscles. Get down on the floor like you’re going to do a push up, put your forearms flat on the floor, and hold your back straight and your body absolutely rigid.
Plate Twist
Sit on the floor with knees bent and heels off the ground. Either hold your hands together, or clutch a plate weight. Move your hands, or the weight, side to side, keeping your feet off the floor and facing forward. Add weight and repetitions as you improve.
Hanging Leg Raise
You’ll need a chinning bar for the last of the best ab exercises for men. While hanging from the bar, raise your knees until they reach your chest, hold them, and then slowly lower them. Once you’ve got that down, raise your extended legs until they’re perpendicular to your torso, hold them, and slowly lower them. When that becomes easy, repeat the exercise with a dumbbell held between your feet.
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