Blue Floral Pocket Square: 100% Cotton High-Quality


  • 100% Cotton
  • Soft to the Touch
  • Stylish and Durable
  • Free Domestic Shipping on Orders over $50

19 in stock


Our Blue Floral Pocket Square is 100% cotton. The pocket square finds its origins in Egypt, Greece, and Rome. They were used to display wealth and distinction. In today’s fashion culture it’s the perfect accessory for any gentleman. Our pocket squares are designed to stand the test of time and add real style to your wardrobe. The perfect accessory for a night out on the town, formal events, and even weddings. Our blue floral pocket square is a bestseller because it instantly makes anything you wear dapper. 

Take a look at our other items in the shop that go perfectly with our pocket squares. Match our blue floral pocket square with our navy knitted tie for an instantly classic look. You can even pair it if our Blue suspenders to complete the look. We offer Free Domestic Shipping on orders over $50. Our pocket squares can also be found in our Top Shelf Gift Box for Men. We promise you’ll love your pocket square so much we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. 

With the purchase of any item, you get instant access to our Gent’s Club. Get access to premium content, discounts, and even automatic entry into our bi-monthly giveaways. Join now and get 10% off your next purchase.

Have a suggestion or just want to look dapper with your new pocket square? Take photos and send us your testimonials to be featured on our Social Media. Get in touch through our Contact us page or DM us on Instagram. We would love to hear from you. 

We love helping gentlemen look their best in every situation. Our accessories are essentials that every gent should own. Our pocket squares are very high quality and well made as well as affordable. Trust us for your style needs. Our blue floral pocket square is a winner for suits, blazers, and vests.


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