Have you ever looked at another dude and said to yourself “Man, he’s rockin that bow tie”?
No? Good, because that would be weird.
Be that as it may, there’s a certain confidence that can be achieved when wearing the right bowtie. It adds color, style and if you do it right, it can even make you interesting.
However, that’s not to say that you can’t mess up and end up looking like this guy.
To keep that from happening, here are some tips on what bowtie to wear and how to wear it.
The Essential Bow tie
One of the most popular and sophisticated looks you can go for is a simple black bow tie on a white shirt with ANY blazer to match. This is where you have the real fun, as currently blazers come in all colors imaginable and you can go for whatever color you fancy. Whatever color you choose, you’ll be looking smart, fashionable and most importantly attractive!
Summer Bow tie
Now as for a Summer bow tie look there is one which we particularly like – a simple pink plain or patterned bow tie with a striped pink shirt and grey blazer. This colorful and simple look is a winner in the spring and summer months. The freshness of the pink reflects the season and the light color will really bring out the best look for you while certainly turning some heads in the office! It may seem a little out there but it is a brilliant combination and look!
Interesting Bow ties
Now here is where it gets interesting and experimental. Bow ties also come in some fantastic patterns, colors and even pictures. It gets a little trickier to generalize here so this is where your own sense of style and fashion plays a vital role. You should already have an idea of what colors and styles match your complexion and look and you should base your bow ties on the same principle. This will ensure you look great instead of a guy with a silly bow tie!