Essential First Date Tips for the Young Gentleman

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whatever age you are and however many dates you’ve been on, the first date with someone new can always be a bit of a nervous occasion. Just remember, you’ve already done the hard part of actually landing the date, now we are going to show you how to let the skills that got you the date be the thing that guides you through it. The amount of things that need to be considered for a date can be intimidating  –Where should you take her? What clothes do you wear? These are just some of the many questions you need to decide on before you even step foot out of your door. 

You have three goals:

1.) You don’t want the date to go well, you want it to be extraordinary.

2.)  You want to leave a good  and MEMORABLE impression  in her mind.

3.) And last but not least, You definitely want a 2nd and 3rd follow up date.

Lets get started.

Location. Location. Location.

When first setting up a date you need to know exactly where you are going to go and what you’re going to do. This is probably the most important first date tip for every man! You can definitely ask her if she has any preferences on where or what to do, but it shouldn’t be obvious. At least not at first.

For example say something like this, “Are you hungry? I know this beautiful little spot downtown that serves the best Italian.”

By using a statement like this, you let her know you’ve come on this date prepared. Especially if there’s something  unique about the experience. And if she doesn’t like Italian food, this gives her the opportunity to tell you what she would like.

Most likely she’ll say the choice is yours, this is where you man up and make the decision. Of course the most cliché place would be a restaurant but don’t let the obvious pass you by. It is actually an ideal place for a first date – you are in a setting where it is easy to talk and where you can begin to build a relationship. But remember, you want to make a lasting MEMORABLE impression. Just because it’s obvious, doesn’t mean it should be boring. Bring something unique to the experience. Show her something new. Creativity is your best weapon when it comes to a first date. Show her something new, and she won’t ever forget.



The location of your date is now set, now you need to arrange getting there. Will you be meeting her at the restaurant or picking her up from her place? These are all questions you need to find out and arrange beforehand as you want the date to run smoothly and any confusion with this could result in it being the first and last date! On the actual day make sure you are early, no matter what! Being late is not acceptable and her waiting for you will leave a very bad impression, however it should always be remembered that, unfortunately, it is more than fine for her to keep you waiting.


At this stage you have everything arranged for the actual date but now comes the most crucial part of a first date and that is preparation of yourself! As we have discussed in previous posts, women like men who dress to the occasion and dress well, so this is what you need to achieve. First look at where you are going and dress accordingly to your surroundings. To get some ideas on what to wear for different occasions, check out our other posts.


The clothes you wear aren’t the only thing you need to worry about – grooming is essential! For most a clean shaven look will be perfect but only you are the judge of what facial hair suites you, so I’d advise you to groom according to your look. On a first date there are millions of men that think splashing a bottle of aftershave is the way to go, but please don’t do it! All you need is a few dabs around the neck, a dab on each wrist and you are good to go. If you wear cologne enough, your nose starts getting used to the smell, so most men add more thinking people can’t smell it. We assure you, even if you can’t smell it, she can.

(*By the way, the reason why you should put some cologne on each wrist is so that when you touch her, she continually smells it. So make sure the cologne smells great, and if you do it right, whenever she smells that scent, she’ll think of you.)

Final Tips

So there you have it, these are the essential first date tips for any gentleman. With these tips you should have no problem getting that 2nd and 3rd date. You have all the knowledge you need to impress her so make sure you use it! Our final pieces of advice would be to have conversation topics prepared prior to the date as no-one likes those awkward moments of silence at a dinner table! Also put your phone on silent and NEVER answer a call or text during a date. It is rude and more importantly it gives off a signal that you are lacking interest in your date, which is not what you want! Finally, have fun. Flirt and enjoy the date. We promise, if you enjoy it, most likely she will too.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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