Problem: So you’ve been dating for several months now. She stays at your place several nights a week. She has more stuff in your closet than you do. And she’s now begun asking that terrible question, “So, when are we gonna move in together?”
You can’t stall forever, but alas, you still don’t know if it’s a good idea to take that ever so committed leap of moving in together. After all, what happens when you piss her off or just want some alone time? And since you can’t sleep in the bar down the street, you want to be absolutely sure that this is someone you want you to lock yourself in a room with. So how do you do that without putting her on the lease?
Solution: Take a vacation
That’s right. It’s as simple as that. Take her on a vacation from anywhere between 4-7 days. Preferably somewhere in driving distance. (The drive there will give you a chance to explore a bit more of who she is without the usual time constraints of a date.) Once you get to the hotel and the first few days of wide eyed excitement have passed, you’ll be able to get a good feel of how it would be to live with her on a consistent basis.
You’ll learn habits that she has when she’s in her comfort zone and things that she doesn’t show you on date night. But more importantly , when day 4 or 5 hit you’ll be able to tell how your personality, habits and basic mood gel with hers on a long term basis. Having to sleep in the same bed longer than 1 or 2 nights in a row can give you an idea on what you can expect in the coming years.
By the time you drive home you’ll have a better understanding of what it’s like living with the person in the passenger seat.
Disclaimer: Don’t let this be the primary reason for taking your loved one a special trip. Remember to treat the vacation as such. Have fun, be romantic, make her smile and be observant, not judgmental.