5 Misconceptions about Real Love Everyone thinks are True

We’ve done our best not to make it a habit of sticking our noses into other people’s business. We stay out of the gossip circle and try to focus on ways to make your life, as a true gentleman, inspiring and motivational. With that said, we can’t help but notice the lack of understanding when it comes to that important life changing phenomenon called love.

And sure, everyone has opinions (we certainly do) but these opinions of real love are just not true. And the sooner it’s cleared up, the better for you and future misses you.

5.) Real love or (true love) can happen at first sight.

We all know the question, “Do you believe in love at first sight?” Ummm, not really. If you said “attraction at first sight” then yes, absolutely. But the process of real love for most men and women doesn’t even begin until you’ve had a decent conversation. A soul connecting with another can not be watered down to a glance across a crowded room.

Sorry Hollywood.

4.) Real love means you have everything in common.

real love, true love, suspendermen

While it’s always a good idea to have more in common with each other than the idea of procreation, that doesn’t mean you have to be twins. In fact, the only absolutely necessary traits you should share are the core values that govern your life. Values like faith, moral and ethical code, your perspective on family and what you expect from a life long partner.

These are important. Everything else is icing on the cake.

3.) Love is always beneficial (convenient) to both parties involved.

This couldn’t be more wrong. The first part of any relationship is usually a state of perpetual euphoria. But in the later stages of the afterglow you may start to realize something; you’re giving more than receiving. It can be tempting to start keeping a record of all the things you do that are not reciprocated, but unfortunately it just doesn’t work that way. Real love is not earned or deserved. It’s a gift given with a heart that is free and vulnerable.

Reciprocity, in itself, is just a contract.

Real love expects nothing, while giving everything.

2.) I “Feel like” I love you

Gentlemen, feelings are wishy-washy. We are ruled on a day to day basis by how we feel; what we want to eat, where we want to go, what we want to wear, etc. And they change more often than the direction of the wind. The heart of another person is much too fragile to handle with the dismissive and cavalier attitude of feelings.

Love is the underlying current, the solid foundation that refuses to yield to the onslaught of our ever deteriorating emotional state.

1.) Real love is magical, it just…happens.

Cupid's been busy

Well…yeah. Sort of. It’s really more like this, “Meeting the love of your life can just happen. It’s magical.” The difference between those two statements is pretty obvious. The one thing we want to point out is that meeting the love of your life is only the first part of the process. Choosing to love them is the second.

See here’s the thing, love is what most people mistakenly view as obligation or responsibility.

But what it really is, is the act of choosing to struggle through all the problems and complications your relationship will throw at you. People are complicated, no matter how perfect they may seem at the time, and therefore so are relationships. So it’s important to remember that love is a choice. As much as we like to believe that it just happens, love is rarely convenient or easy, in fact it’s work.

And that’s what makes it worth it.

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